Carbon Monoxide Safety Tips For Homes With Furnaces

A furnace can cause carbon monoxide poisoning during the cold season if not properly vented, especially gas- and oil-burning furnaces.

When it comes to your furnace and carbon monoxide, it’s important to know the signs of this deadly gas. Unfortunately, carbon monoxide is both colorless and odorless, making it impossible to detect without the proper monitoring equipment.

If your furnace is emitting carbon monoxide, you might notice some of the following symptoms:

-Dull headaches
-Shortness of breath

If you experience any of these symptoms and suspect that your furnace might be the culprit, it’s important to take action immediately.

First, turn off your furnace and open all the windows in your home to ventilate the area. Then, call a qualified technician to inspect your furnace and make any necessary repairs.

While carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious concern, it’s important to remember that furnaces are very safe when properly maintained. To prevent your furnace from emitting carbon monoxide, be sure to have it serviced by a qualified technician at least once a year.

You can install a carbon monoxide detector in your home to give you peace of mind.

If your furnace is producing carbon monoxide, it’s usually because it’s not burning fuel properly. This can happen for a number of reasons, including:

-A problem with the furnace’s burner
-A blockage in the furnace’s flue or chimney
-Leaking or cracked heat exchanger
-Improperly installed or vented fuel-burning appliance

If you suspect your furnace is producing carbon monoxide, it’s important to have it checked out by a qualified technician. In the meantime, you should open doors and windows to ventilate your home and call your gas company to have your furnace shut off.

Learn More: Tips For Converting A Natural Gas Furnace To Propane

Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide from Furnace

It’s not easy to detect carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning because the gas is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. Symptoms of CO poisoning can be nonspecific and easily confused with other illnesses, such as the flu.

CO is produced when fuels such as gas, oil, charcoal, and wood do not burn completely. Appliances and engines that use these fuels can produce high levels of CO. If these appliances are not properly vented or maintained, CO can build up in enclosed spaces and poison the people and animals inside.

CO poisoning can cause a variety of symptoms, including headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and confusion. These symptoms can occur quickly or they may develop over time, depending on the level of exposure.

High levels of CO can be fatal. If you suspect that you or someone else has been exposed to CO, get fresh air immediately and call 911 or your local poison control center.

Can Carbon Monoxide Come from a Furnace That is Off?

If you have a furnace in your home, it’s important to be aware that carbon monoxide (CO) can come from furnaces that are turned off. While most people think of CO as coming from car exhaust or fireplaces, any appliance that burns fuel can produce CO. That includes gas stoves, grills, and of course, furnaces.

When a furnace is turned off, the pilot light goes out and the flow of natural gas to the burner stops. However, there may still be some residual gas in the system that can leak into your home. If this happens while you’re sleeping or away from home, you may not be able to detect the problem until it’s too late.

There are a few things you can do to help prevent CO poisoning from a turned-off furnace:

-Install a CO detector near your furnace and check it regularly to make sure it’s working properly.

-Have your furnace serviced annually by a qualified technician. This will help identify any potential problems before they become serious.

-Make sure all fuel-burning appliances in your home are vented properly to the outside. This includes your furnace, water heater, dryer, etc.

What Causes High CO in Furnace Exhaust

If you have a high carbon monoxide reading in your furnace exhaust, there are a few things that could be causing the problem.

First, make sure that your furnace is properly vented to the outside. If it’s not, this could be allowing carbon monoxide to build up inside your home.

Second, check for any blockages in the venting system. A clogged vent can cause carbon monoxide to back up into your home.

Third, have your furnace serviced by a qualified technician to make sure it’s operating correctly and isn’t producing excessive amounts of carbon monoxide.

How Do I Know If My Heater is Leaking Carbon Monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is a gas that has no odor or color, making it impossible to detect without the proper equipment. If you suspect that your heater may be leaking carbon monoxide, it is important to take immediate action. Some common symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headaches, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue.

If you experience any of these symptoms while using your heater, turn it off immediately and open all the doors and windows in your home to ventilate the area. If you or anyone in your home starts feeling faint or nauseous, leave the house immediately and call 911.

What Causes a Furnace to Produce Carbon Monoxide?

There are a few different things that can cause a furnace to produce carbon monoxide. One of the most common is if the furnace is not getting enough air. This can happen if the vents are blocked or if there is something wrong with the ductwork.

Another possibility is that the pilot light is not lit properly. If it is not lit correctly, it can produce carbon monoxide. Finally, there could be a problem with the burners themselves.

If they are dirty or damaged, they may not be burning as efficiently as they should be, which can also lead to carbon monoxide production.

Is Carbon Monoxide Poisoning by Furnace Common?

No, carbon monoxide poisoning by furnaces is not common. In fact, it’s quite rare. There are a number of reasons for this.

First, furnaces are designed to vent any carbon monoxide that may be produced during combustion out of the home.

Second, most furnaces have built-in safety features that shut them off if they detect high levels of carbon monoxide.

Third, most people have carbon monoxide detectors in their homes these days, which will sound an alarm if there are high levels of gas present.


A furnace can cause carbon monoxide poisoning if it is not properly ventilated. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that can be deadly. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

If you suspect that you have been exposed to carbon monoxide, get fresh air immediately and call 911.