Are Heaters Safe For Birds? What Does Science Say?

Heaters can be a great way to keep your bird warm during the cold winter months. But are they safe? Some heaters use infrared light to generate heat, which can be harmful to your bird’s eyesight.

Other types of heaters may produce too much heat, which can make your bird uncomfortable or even cause burns.

Actually, whether or not you need a heater for your feathered friend depends on a variety of factors, including the bird’s species, age, and health; the size, layout, and temperature of the cage; and the climate in which you live. In general, most birds do best in a room that is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. While a few degrees outside of that range won’t hurt them, extreme cold or heat can be stressful, and even deadly.

As the weather gets colder, many of us start to think about turning on the heaters to keep our homes warm.

Generally, heaters are not safe for birds, but you can make them relatively safe for birds (not all heaters) by taking some precautions. The oil-filled regulator is safe for birds, but the kerosene heater isn’t totally safe.

If you have a gas heater, make sure that it is well-ventilated. Birds are very sensitive to fumes and even small amounts can be harmful.

If possible, open a window or door when using a gas heater. Be careful not to overheat your home. Birds do best in temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

If it gets too hot, they may start panting or showing signs of distress. Also, make sure your bird has plenty of fresh water available at all times. Heated air can cause dehydration, so it’s important to keep them hydrated.

Are Heated Perches Safe for Birds?

The answer is yes, heated perches are generally safe for birds, though there are some safety precautions to consider. Heated perches are designed to provide a warm, comfortable, safe environment for birds when ambient temperatures drop. They are available in a variety of sizes and materials, and some are even adjustable, allowing you to customize the temperature for your pet.

However, it is important to note that heated perches should never exceed 130°F (54°C). Anything higher than this can cause serious burns to your pet’s feet, so it is important to monitor the temperature of the perch and adjust it as needed. Additionally, it is important to make sure that your bird can easily access the perch and move away from it if it becomes too hot.

When using a heated perch, make sure to inspect it regularly to ensure that it is in good condition. Look for any signs of damage or wear, as these could cause injury to your pet. Additionally, be sure to use a perch cover if the perch is made of a material that can easily be scratched or torn. This will help to protect your bird’s feet from any sharp edges.

Do Birds Need Heaters?

Do Birds Need Heaters

No, birds do not need heaters. They are able to regulate their body temperature and do not require additional heat. In fact, providing artificial heat can be harmful to birds as it can cause them to overheat. Additionally, birds are very sensitive to drafts, so a heater placed in their cage could potentially make them sick.

If you live in an area where the temperature gets very cold, you may want to consider placing your bird’s cage in a room that is warmer or providing a blanket to drape over the cage to help keep your bird warm.

Can You Use Heaters around Birds?

No, you cannot use heaters around birds as they are a fire hazard. Birds are also very sensitive to heat, so using a heater could potentially injure or even kill your bird. Especially oil-fired heaters, gas, and kerosene heaters are dangerous to use around birds.

If you absolutely must use a heater, make sure that it is placed well out of reach of your bird, and that you closely monitor the temperature to ensure that it does not get too hot.

Is an Electric Heater Safe for Birds?

No! Because they emit infrared radiation, they can cause eye and respiratory problems in birds. Additionally, if a bird’s feathers get too close to the heating element, it could catch fire.

Here are some things to keep in mind if you’re considering using an electric space heater (having no option) for your bird’s cage:

1. Make sure the cage is well-ventilated. Birds need fresh air to breathe, so the cage should have plenty of openings for air to circulate.

If the cage is too cramped or doesn’t have enough ventilation, the bird could overheat and become sick or die.

2. Place the heater away from any flammable materials. This includes bedding, toys, and perches. It’s also important to make sure the cord is out of reach of the bird so it can’t chew on it and cause a short circuit.

3. Choose a safe temperature setting. Birds can tolerate higher temperatures than humans, but they still need to be able to cool down if they get too warm.

A good rule of thumb is to set the heater at about 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius). You can use a thermometer placed inside the cage to check the temperature regularly and make adjustments as needed.

How Do I Keep My Bird Warm?

There are a few things you can do to keep your bird warm:

1. Make sure their cage is in a warm room – if possible, near a heater or other source of warmth.

2. Use a cage cover at night or when the temperature is colder than usual.

3. Place one or two hot water bottles (wrapped in a towel) in the bottom of the cage for extra warmth.

4. Some birds also enjoy taking baths, so if your bird enjoys bathing, make sure the water isn’t too cold.

Safe and unsafe heaters for birds | winter care | birds

Are Ceramic Heaters Safe for Birds?

As a bird owner, you may be wondering if a ceramic heater is safe for your feathered friend. The answer is yes! Ceramic heaters are safe for birds as long as they are used properly.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when using a ceramic heater around your bird:

1. Make sure the ceramic heater is placed out of reach of your bird. Birds are curious creatures and may try to investigate the source of the heat, which could lead to injury.

2. Keep an eye on your bird while the ceramic heater is turned on. Some birds may become agitated by the heat and start flapping their wings or trying to escape their cage. If this happens, turn off the heater and provide your bird with some fresh air until they calm down.

3. Be sure to follow all manufacturer’s instructions when using a ceramic heater. This will help ensure that the appliance is used safely and does not pose any risks to your bird’s health or well-being.


Generally, heaters are not safe for birds but can be safe for birds if used properly. Birds need a warm environment to stay healthy, and heaters can help create this environment. However, heaters can also be dangerous if they are not used correctly.

Make sure to keep your bird’s cage away from the heater and never leave the bird alone in the room with the heater on.