6 Common Bosch Heat Pump Problems! Troubleshoot Like a Pro

Bosch heat pump problems range from issues with humidity and drying to noise levels and heating failures.

Bosch, a well-known brand for home appliances, offers a variety of heat pumps designed to provide energy-efficient heating and cooling. Despite its reputation, some users have reported problems with their Bosch heat pumps. One common issue is the pump not working properly or not heating at all. This could be due to a variety of reasons such as a malfunctioning component or a system error.

Humidity problems are also common, where the heat pump fails to maintain the desired humidity level in the room. Dryer problems are another common issue, with users reporting that their Bosch heat pump dryer is not drying clothes properly, not collecting water, or not draining. This could be due to blockages in the drain system or a faulty component.

Dishwasher heat pump problems, such as the heat pump failing, are also reported. Noise is another concern with Bosch heat pumps; some users find the noise level to be higher than expected. While Bosch heat pumps generally have good ratings, it is evident that there are several potential problems that users may encounter.

6 Common Bosch Heat Pump Problems And Solutions

1. Bosch Heat Pump Not Heating

If you find that your Bosch heat pump isn’t emitting heat, there could be multiple reasons behind this issue. One common cause is incorrect thermostat settings. Make sure that the thermostat is set to the appropriate temperature and mode.

Power supply issues could also be to blame; check that the circuit breaker hasn’t tripped and the unit is properly connected to power. Mechanical issues like a faulty component or a refrigerant leak may also disrupt the heating function.


  • Verify the thermostat settings for both temperature and mode.
  • Check the circuit breaker and power connection.
  • Inspect the system for leaks or visible mechanical issues.
  • Seek professional assistance for repair or component replacement.

2. Bosch Heat Pump Humidity Problems

The failure to maintain desired room humidity is an issue with some Bosch heat pumps. This could be due to improper sizing of the unit for the room, incorrect settings on the dehumidification function, or even a malfunctioning component. External factors like poor room ventilation or high moisture content in the walls can also contribute.


  • Verify the size of the heat pump is suitable for the room.
  • Check the dehumidification settings and adjust them accordingly.
  • Examine room ventilation and take measures to improve it.
  • Consult a technician for more intricate issues like component malfunctions.

3. Bosch Heat Pump Noise

A noisy operation can be annoying and indicates potential problems with your Bosch heat pump. Possible reasons include improper installation, causing vibrations, or issues with internal components like the fan or compressor. Loose internal parts could also contribute to increased noise levels.


  • Recheck the installation to ensure the unit is stable.
  • Inspect the fan and compressor for functionality.
  • Tighten any internal parts that appear loose.
  • If noise persists, consider professional servicing.

4. Bosch Heat Pump Not Cooling

If your Bosch heat pump is not cooling as expected, there could be several contributing factors. Incorrect thermostat settings can often be the culprit. A clogged air filter can limit the airflow, reducing the unit’s cooling efficiency. Mechanical issues like a refrigerant leak or faulty compressor can also result in poor cooling.


  • Correct the thermostat settings if needed.
  • Inspect and clean the air filter to improve airflow.
  • Check for refrigerant leaks or compressor issues.
  • Engage a technician for a detailed system check and repair.

5. Bosch Heat Pump Dryer Not Collecting Water

A Bosch heat pump dryer failing to collect water can cause drying inefficiency. This issue could stem from a full or improperly installed water tank. Moreover, a clogged condenser unit might restrict airflow, affecting water collection. Mechanical issues like a faulty drain pump or water level sensor can also cause this problem.


  • Empty and correctly reinstall the water tank.
  • Clear any lint or blockages from the condenser unit.
  • Verify the functionality of the drain pump and water level sensor.
  • For persistent issues, consult a professional for repair.

6. Bosch Heat Pump Dryer Not Draining

If your Bosch heat pump dryer is not draining, it could disrupt your laundry routine. This problem may arise from a clogged or kinked drain hose. Also, a full water tank might be preventing drainage. Mechanical issues with the drain pump or water level sensor could also be at fault.


  • Inspect the drain hose for clogs or kinks and clear them.
  • Regularly empty the water tank to facilitate drainage.
  • Check the drain pump and water level sensor for functionality.
  • If the issue persists, a professional diagnosis and repair are recommended.

Heat Pump Not Removing Humidity

Heat pumps serve the dual purpose of heating and cooling a space while also removing excess humidity. If your heat pump is not effectively removing humidity, it may lead to a clammy and uncomfortable environment. Several factors may contribute to this issue.

Firstly, the heat pump might be inadequately sized for the space it is intended to serve.

Secondly, the air filter could be clogged, limiting airflow and the unit’s ability to remove humidity.

Thirdly, there might be a refrigerant leak, affecting the system’s cooling and dehumidifying capabilities.

Fourthly, the indoor coil may be dirty, hindering the condensation process.


1. Ensure the heat pump is appropriately sized for the space.

2. Regularly clean or replace the air filter.

3. Inspect the system for refrigerant leaks and have them repaired.

4. Clean the indoor coil periodically.

5. If the problem persists, seek professional assistance for a thorough system check.

Proper Use and Maintenance

To maximize the efficiency and lifespan of your heat pump, proper use and maintenance are crucial. Regularly check and replace the air filter to ensure optimal airflow.

Schedule annual professional maintenance checks to identify and address any potential issues before they escalate. During these checks, a technician will inspect the refrigerant level, check the thermostat operation, and clean and lubricate all moving parts.

Moreover, regularly clean both indoor and outdoor units to ensure there are no blockages affecting performance.

Also, during the heating season, use the thermostat’s ‘auto’ mode rather than the ‘on’ mode. This allows the fan to run only when the system is actively heating or cooling.


Why is my heat pump not turning on?

The heat pump may not be receiving power due to a tripped circuit breaker or a blown fuse. Check the electrical panel and reset the breaker or replace the fuse if necessary.

Is it normal for my heat pump to run continuously?

In extremely cold or hot weather, it is normal for the heat pump to run continuously to maintain the desired temperature. If it runs continuously in mild weather, there may be an issue with the thermostat or the unit itself.

Why is my heat pump freezing up?

A frozen heat pump can be caused by a low refrigerant charge, a dirty air filter, or a malfunctioning fan. Check and replace the air filter, and consult a professional if the problem persists.

Can I use my heat pump during extremely cold weather?

While heat pumps can operate in cold weather, their efficiency decreases as the temperature drops. It is recommended to have a backup heating source for extremely cold temperatures.

Why is my heat pump making a strange noise?

Unusual noises from your heat pump could indicate loose parts, a malfunctioning fan, or a refrigerant leak. Inspect the unit for any loose parts and consult a professional if necessary.

Is it necessary to have my heat pump serviced regularly?

Regular maintenance of your heat pump is essential to ensure its optimal performance and longevity. It is recommended to have a professional service check at least once a year.

Can I install a heat pump myself?

It is recommended to have a certified professional install your heat pump to ensure it is correctly sized and installed for your space. Improper installation can lead to inefficiency and potential problems down the line.